T&T 23 Special Edition Click here to see the previous editions December 2, 2023
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About Dra. Andrea Palacios
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Hello Stone fans!, welcome to this special edition of Stone News.

I am Dr. Andrea Palacios Garcia, a 3rd year urology resident at the Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa in Zaragoza (Spain). I had the honour of attending the international and prestigious Technology & Training (T&T) Congress in Endourology held in Turin, Italy.

Technology and Training (T&T) in Endourology has managed to become one of the most important events in many endourologists' calendars. It's now established as a congress of excellence, able to combine high quality scientific content and a friendly environment. It offers a programme full of innovation and knowledge. This is delivered through a variety of session types including live surgeries, recorded surgeries, communication and round tables. The meeting is aimed at endourologists interested in discussing current practices and guidelines, sharing surgical tips and tricks, and analysing the latest and most cutting-edge advances in endourological techniques.

I had the pleasure of attending an impressive programme. I would like to highlight the following lectures:

img Prerecorded surgery: Robotic RIRS (30 min)
Dr. Davide Perri. Moderators: Dr. Sung Yong Cho (online), Dr. Palle Sloth Osther.
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Dr. Perri showed us an in-depht renal surgery of a stone located in a renal calyx undergone by a robot controlled by himself with an external joystick. Depicting all the docking process and the steps to finally achieve the complete resolution of the stone, he emphasized the role of robotics in endourology by allowing diverse motions in operative fields and better ergonomics for surgeons than manual laparoscopy. The endourology robot could become in a near future a resolving system to treat stones in kidneys with anatomical abnormalities or narrow spaces.

img Lasers for endourological procedures in 2023: which, when and how? (15 min)
Dr. Bhaskar Somani.
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Finding the right laser is becoming a common and difficult problem in urological practice. The development of many popular devices, available as holmium, diode and thulium lasers (and many more), makes the decision to use a laser device an arduous task. Laser techniques are versatile tools in urology.

They are an indispensable tool in the treatment of patients with urolithiasis, but their use is becoming particularly important in patients with prostate disease. Knowledge of the specifications of each laser is essential for more efficient endourological treatment. Comparing the characteristics of different lasers is a must when planning surgery. Dr Somani briefly described the best area of use for each laser device, based on the most accurate and up-to-date evidence.

img Round table MIS in BPH (90 min)
Echolaser TPLA - Dr. Paolo Destefanis
Greenlight - Dr. Hannes Cash,
Rezum - Dr. Silvia Secco,
Urolift - Dr. Stefania Ferretti.
Moderators: Dr. Feras Al Jaafari, Dr. Thorsten Bach.
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A round-table presentation in which four experts share their opinions and beliefs about minimally invasive surgery for patients with BPH. The more techniques are developed, the more important it is to know the correct area in which to perform each of them. Each speaker presented their current experience with the devices and characterised the perfect clinical case to undergo the surgery. Adapting the resources to an individual clinical case is a difficult issue, for this reason, knowledge of the available techniques, but also knowing how, when and where to perform them, is considered the solid base to achieve a well-performed surgery.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that it was an honor to have the opportunity to attend such high-level conferences in T&T congress. It allowed me to share common beliefs among professionals who are contributing to continuous education and high-level updating in endourology.

Thank you again Devicare.

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