Gras Martinez, RM; Rechi Sierra, K; Povo Martín, I; Diranzo Garcia, M; Beltrán Puig, M; Martínez Martínez, F; Soler
Aparisi, M; López Alcina, E. Study on the use of antibiotic prophylaxis before the use of flexible cystoscope in our
centre. LXXXVI AEU National Urology Congress. Granada-Jaén. 2023. 24-26 May 2023 Presentation: Virtual Poster 167.
Juste Álvarez, S.; Medina Polo, J.; Teigell Tobar, J.; Peña Vallejo, E.; Caro González, M. P.; Calzas Montalvo, C.; De
la Calle Moreno, A.; González Ginel, I.; Rayo Encinas, C.; Arrébola Pajares, A. Rodríguez Antolín, A. Antibiotic
prophylaxis before urodynamic studies: are antibiotics necessary to reduce infections and for which patients would
prophylaxis be most beneficial? LXXXVI AEU National Urology Congress. Granada-Jaén. 2023. 24-26 May 2023 Presentation:
Virtual Poster 169.
Tapia Herrero, A.M.; Gómez Martínez, M.L.; Miralles Ayuso, S.; Portilla Mediavilla, L.; Sánchez Estébanez, E.; González
Martín, E.; Aderghal Chikhaoui, A.; Macarro López De La Torre, G.; Poza Del Val, M.; Cepeda Delgado, M. Infection in
prostate fusion biopsy. LXXXVI AEU National Congress of Urology. Granada-Jaén. 2023. 24 to 26 May 2023 Presentation:
Virtual Poster 174
Ordaz Jurado, D.G.; Dagà Martínez, O.; Budia Alba, A.; Pérez-Lanzac, A.; Fernández Gómez, J.M.; Jordán De Luna, C.
Urinary pH and antibiotics, how to choose wisely. A systematic review. LXXXVI AEU National Congress of Urology.
Granada-Jaén. 2023. 24-26 May 2023 Presentation: Virtual Poster 175.
Ortiz Salvador, J.B.; Colet, O.; Bolon Marset, J; Quereda-Flores, F; Bevia-Romero, A.J.; Espinosa Vaño, J; Castillo-
Antón, D.J.; Moran Pascual, E; Martinez Cuenca, E; Arlandis Guzman, S; Broseta Rico, E; Bonillo Garcia, B; Budia Alba,
A. Immunoprophylaxis with autovaccine reduces hospital admissions and emergency department visits in patients with
neurogenic bladder. LXXXVI AEU National Congress of Urology. Granada-Jaén. 2023. 24-26 May 2023 Presentation: Virtual
Poster 175.
Ramírez Sevilla, C.; Gómez Lanza, E.; Llopis Manzanera, J.; Cetina Herrando, A.; Puyol Pallàs, M. Algorithm of action in
the active immunoprophylaxis of recurrent ITUs: the efficacy study in 1116 patients can help us in re-vaccination.
LXXXVI AEU National Congress of Urology. Granada-Jaén. 2023. May 24 to 26, 2023 Presentation: Virtual Poster 173.